Multumesc celor care au facut posibila achizitia acestui cutit .... nu va opriti...:))
Achizitionat/purchase: decembrie 2009
Cost: undeva pe la 240,00 de lei
Lungime Lama / Blade lenght: 100,10 mm
Lungime Cutit(Deschis)/ Overal lenght: 210,60 mm
Grosime lama/Blade Thikness: 3 mm
Greutate/Weight: 113 grame
Greutate in teaca/Whole Weight: 155 grame
Stil Lama/ Blade style: drop point
Stil/Style: Scandinav
Tip Lama/ Blade type: fine edge
Material: T7MO - otel triplu laminat
Culoare/Colour: Maro/Braun
Origine/Origin: Norvegia
Utilizare/Purpose: camping, cutit de vanatoare, outdoor
Lama : Rat Tail
Maner/ Handel: Mesteacan Finlandez
Teaca/Sheet: Piele
Original Helle products are are guaranteed against product defects for 10 years from date of purchase.
Parerea mea:
De ceva vreme am pus ochii pe acest cutit dar shopul de unde vroiam sa il iau nu l-au mai avut in stoc o buna bucata de vreme, cu ajutorul unor prieteni aceasta achizitie a devenit realizabila, asa ca iata-ne cu un nou cutit in colectie.
Prima impresie, excelenta, un cutit foarte bine realizat, cu linii simple care ii sporesc eleganta, cu o lama in tais in stil scandinav, materialul folosit este un T7MO - otel triplu laminat cu un exterior din otel inoxidabil( cred ca e 12c27 - dar nu vreau sa ma insel) pentru ai mari rezistenta la rugina si in interior dintr-un aliaj de otel de inalta calitate pentru ca taisul sa tina mai mult, rezistenta pe scara Rockewell este de 58-59 HRC, un maner din mesteacan finlandez si o teaca de piele foarte bine realizata (nu stiu inca din ce fel de piele - dar o sa revin cu mai multe informatii)
Cu o grosime a lamei de 3 mm - mie mi se pare suficient pentru bushcraft - fiind posesor de cutite si mai groase a materialului am observat o oarecare "jena" la coplit, asa ca 3 mm mi se pare suficient fara sa ma incurce la coplit.
Un cutit foarte echilibrat si cu o priza foarte buna.
De sesizat la Helle sunt detaliile - foarte bine lucrat, cutitul in sine cat si teaca. Cu toate ca sunt ca produsele de serie, cei de la fabrica Helle daclara ca fiecare cutit este facut de un "craftsman" calificat.
Cutitul vine ascutit cu niste performante demne de invidiat.
Cutitul nu este full tang, este rat tail in cautarea mea de informatii despre cutit am gasit si o mica problema semnalata de cineva, am prezentat-o mai jos "Opinions - Multiple Sources" - sincer mi se pare destul de ciudat dar nu imposibil.
Opinions - Multiple sources:
* The handle is fashioned out of Artic Birch that fills the hand nicely with no hard edges. The blade is constructed by laminating a soft, stainless steel around a core of hard, carbon steel tempered to 59 Rc. This tri-laminate creates a blade which takes and holds a razor-sharp edge without becoming brittle. It also provides protection from rust and corrosion. For those who use a firesteel and are accustomed to using the back of their knife to create the sparks, the laminated steel in this area is too soft. One way around this is to use the very rear of the knife blade where it meets the choil.
*The Helle Knives are made of triple laminate stainless steel. The center portion is of high quality stainless steel that tests out to be 58-59 on the Rockwell scale. The outside steel is 18/8 stainless. This makes a blade that is very sharp. Each blade is made under the strictest quality control in the modern Helle factory. Each handle is handmade by quality craftsman and, because of the nature of wood, may vary slightly. Unlike most handmade or custom knives, these knives are very affordable. Each blade is made of triple laminated steel. The center section is a high quality stainless steel that tests out to 59 on the Rockwell scale. Each side of the blade is composed of the famous 18/8 stainless steel. This combination allows the manufacturer to create a blade that is extremely sharp without being brittle. These blades are so highly thought of in Europe that many custom knife makers use the Helle blades and create their own handles and sheaths.
* Problem: don't want to sound negative but I can only tell you of my experience regarding Helle and to be honest I may have been very unlucky. But I purchased a Helle Eggen once.
It was a great knife for the money fit and finish was excellent and the laminated blade was a beauty. It did need some filework on the spine to enable it to strike sparks off a ferro rod, the spine was very rounded and needed squaring up a little.
However I had the knife about two months, I was putting it through it's paces in the beautiful part of France called Grande Massif, a lovely semi wild area (forgive me if I've spelt that wrong, but that's how it sounds, my French lessons are not going well :o ). Anyway I went to stab the knife into a tree stump, the handle cracked clean off, my hand shot forward still holding bits of the handle and my fingers slid down near enough the entire length of the blade . I was so glad I'd just sharpened it. Lots of swearing and lots of blood swiftly followed. My right hand was useless, we were fifty miles from our transport and I obviously needed medical attention, a band aid wasn't going to do the job. I decided there and then never to buy a Helle again. Once bitten twice shy you might say.
Now as I have said I may have just been unfortunate but I personally don't want to giive the benefit of the doubt to a knife which cost me fourteen stitches and a bucket load of money and my holiday.
I suppose it depends how much and how hard you are going to use your bushcraft knife,
2 comentarii:
Aha ! Deci aici a ajuns un am urmarit eu sa-mi iau modelul nu il mai aducea domnul Cristi Popovici...
Sa-l stapanesti sanatos !
Cu stima,
Bun cutit, il folosesc de cel putin un an. Foarte bun raport pret-calitate.
Taisul tine foarte bine. E comod si sta fain in teaca. E cutit de excursii nu de cioplit.
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